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Class A

Revolutionize and enhance the way tutors conduct lessons for students

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My Role




User Researcher

2 Weeks


User Interviews


19 Jan 2021 - 29 Jan 2021


Affinity Mapping

UI & Interaction Designer


User Persona

Usability Tester

Problem Statement


How Might We

User Flow


Interactive Prototypes

Usability Testing

Project Summary

This study aims to learn more about how lessons are conducted and identify area for improvements. Features such as uploading and checking progress of homework were introduced to allow efficient and fulfilling tuition classes.

The Problem

Precious tuition time is wasted whenever tutors have to re-cap on previous lessons as well as checking on their homework progress. In this case, the tuition session will not be fully utilized.

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Design Process


There is no one-size-fits-all solution, the UX Design Thinking Process was used to guide the study, and evolve as the product evolves. The goal is to create great product for the end users.



The product

As digital products are evolving, more people are using them - even students as young as 7. A mobile app is the selected choice to create this app to maintain good communication, relationship as well as tuition purposes between the tutors and students.



Why did I start this?

I used to think that tuition time are precious, and so I thought to myself - what are the real pain points that tutors actually felt, how can I make each lesson efficient for both the tutors and the students?

I have never once felt that my students have sufficient time left til their exams, because there will always be something MORE to learn

- quote from user interview

Identifying the research methods

As this is an App Design, I look into using exploratory research methods and wanted to learn more about how tutors (specifically) conduct lessons typically; their behaviour; motivations and pain points before product development. In-depth User Interview was suitable in understanding the WHYs on the aforementioned.

What was gathered from the User Interviews?

9 tutors participated in the User Interviews both face-to-face and remotely. I empathized with them and get to learn first-hand information about how they feel about tutoring, and how they actually expect tuitions could actually be. Below are the key insights garnered from the research using Affinity Mapping.

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Who are our users?

From the beautiful findings we garnered from the user research, now we know exactly who this product will be for, and what features to prioritize.

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"Janet needs an efficient way to keep track each of her students' homework progress prior to the lesson so that she can make the most out of each tuition classes"

Designing with the users in mind

Deriving a clear Problem Statement is one thing, but how am I be able to satisfy Janet's needs? Not limiting myself with only an idea or two, I tried looking at it with different perspectives by creating several 'How Might We' (HMW) statements.

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Happy paths for both pre & post-lessons are identified! Tutors will be able to go through students' homework progress and any questions they have, or preference for the upcoming lessons (pre), or upload new homework for them (post).

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"So any ideas?" I asked myself

Using the findings from the User Persona and User Flows. I started off with Ideation Sketches to quickly get all of the ideas and possibilities out. The initial sketches effectively guided my design process.


Streamlining the User Interfaces

Using the findings from the User Persona and User Flows. I started off with Ideation Sketches to quickly get all of the ideas and possibilities out. The initial sketches effectively guided my design process.

How did we allow Janet to view/upload homework?

In the individual student's profile, there are several call-to-actions allow different usage such as editing student's profile or uploading homework.

How did we help Janet in knowing what help the students need?

The students can upload their preference for the next lesson, or what topics they are struggling with. Janet could make use of these information to conduct her lessons.

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How did we help Janet in tracking her students' homework progress?

Each homework that she gave, she could see the completion status as well as the results of the individual questions the students answered.

How did we help Janet in understanding her students' competency?

There is an overall status of how well the student has done for the homework, broken down into topics for Janet to assess and adjust her lessons.

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How were the proposed designs validated?

2 rounds of Usability Tests were conducted with 5 participants each to validate the proposed designs, based on the 2 tasks below.

  1. You would like to look at the homework progress of the next student that you’re going to have lesson with

  2. ​After the lesson, you would like to upload a homework on Mathematics Topic 1 for the student



How did we measure the outcomes?

2 rounds of iterations were done to solve different issues - fixing features according to functionality, task completion and pluses & deltas. The findings of each usability test were documented and shown below are the huge improvements in the Task Success with each test. Here is a summary of the findings:

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View latest product below!

After 3 rounds of iteration, finally the visual design was considered and put into play. Here is the latest Mockup:



Next steps

  • App's Potential

I would love to explore more possibilities to what this App could value-add to the students' learning as well as the teachers' teaching

  • Addition of Downloadable Syllabus

One of the User Interview insights include the need to have access to the syllabus, this could be a good addition to how tutors could refer and adjust their teaching pace accordingly


  • Empathizing the tutors for this project really helped me understand their professional struggles and pain points

  • Using the How Might We (HMW) allowed me to think out of the box and not be narrow-minded on how problems are usually solved (e.g. students updating the tutors on their homework progress via whatsapp)

  • I am considering to use Quantitative Research methods to quickly gather solid insights as to what other features tutors might require in an educational/tuition app to further enhance Class A's purpose


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